Seeing spiders in our warm, humid climate isn’t that uncommon. These arachnids can be found in various habitats, from gardens to homes and buildings. While many spiders are harmless and even beneficial in controlling insect populations, some species actually pose a significant threat to human health due to their venomous bites. This is why it’s crucial to be able to identify them.

Let’s look at how to distinguish between harmless and potentially life-threatening spiders and how you can take appropriate precautions such as hiring pest services in Orlando.

Common Dangerous Spiders in Florida Homes

Black Widow

Easily recognizable by their glossy black bodies and distinctive red hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of their abdomen, the Black Widow loves dark, secluded areas. You’ll find them in woodpiles, sheds, or even cluttered corners in the basement.

They’re mainly active at night, and their venom can cause severe pain, muscle cramps, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing. Bites may also lead to nausea, vomiting, and sweating. While fatalities are rare, immediate medical attention is necessary.

Brown Recluse

Brown Recluse spiders have a light to dark brown appearance and you can identify them by their characteristic violin-shaped marking on their cephalothorax. Unlike most spiders that have eight eyes, these spiders actually have six eyes that are arranged in pairs.

Often found in hidden, undisturbed areas like closets and attics, their venom contains a powerful, flesh-destroying toxin that can cause significant tissue damage. Bites may initially go unnoticed but develop into painful, red, swollen lesions with a dark central area. Systemic symptoms can include fever, chills, and nausea.

Brown Widow

These spiders look similar to Black Widows, except that they have a lighter brown or gray color. They also have an orange or yellow hourglass marking on the underside of their abdomen.

Just like Black Widows, the Brown Widow likes hidden areas under furniture, in closets, or in cluttered spaces. Fortunately, the Brown Widow venom is less potent than that of Black Widows’ but can still cause pain, swelling, and muscle cramps. Any symptoms experienced are generally milder and rarely require medical intervention.

Red Widow

Red Widows have a reddish-orange cephalothorax and a black abdomen with red spots. They are smaller than black widows, measuring about 1 inch in length. You’ll find them in sand dunes and scrub habitats, spinning small, irregular webs near the ground. Their venom is less toxic than that of Black Widows’, but will still cause localized pain and swelling. Bites are rare, and symptoms are generally mild, not requiring medical attention in most cases.

Prevention and Control

Seal Entry Points

Keep spiders from entering your home by sealing any potential entry points. Start with inspecting your home’s exterior for cracks or gaps around windows and doors. If you see any, you may use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these openings. Also, pay special attention to areas where utility lines or pipes enter your home, as these are common entry points for spiders and other pests.

Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter-Free

Spiders love dark, undisturbed spaces to hide in so you need to make your home unattractive to them by cleaning and decluttering. This way, it’s less likely that spiders will find a suitable habitat in your home.

Regularly vacuum or sweep floors, especially in corners and along baseboards. Dust and wipe down surfaces, including shelves, furniture, and window sills. Also, organize your storage areas and use sealed containers for items like clothing, linens, and seasonal decorations.

Hire Professional Pest Control Services

If you’ve tried different methods of keeping spiders out but still have an extensive spider problem in your home, it’s time to hire a professional pest control service. Our pest experts will help to identify potential spider habitats before creating an effective treatment plan. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, we may use a combination of techniques, such as applying insecticides, setting traps, or implementing exclusion methods to tackle your spider problem.

Take Control of Your Home’s Spider Population And Keep Your Family Safe

Due to their venomous bites, these dangerous spiders pose varying degrees of threat to your health. When you learn how to identify them, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential risks associated with these arachnids. It’s also crucial to take preventative steps like sealing entry points and hiring professional pest control to stop spiders from taking over your home.

Don’t live in fear of spiders breeding and taking over your space. Call us today and let our pest experts help you eradicate them from your home!